Tag Archive: GISS

evaluation to what extent the temperature rise in the past 100 years was a trend or a natural fluctuation and analyze 2249 world- wide monthly temperature records from GISS (NASA) with the 100-year period covering 1906-2005 and the two 50-year periods from 1906 to 1955 and 1956 to 2005.

Watts Up With That?

Since we have been paying a lot of attention to the surface record given the recent revelations surrounding the adjustments to data and NOAA’s release of the State of the Climate  Report claiming that the USA had the hottest year ever (but the globe did not) this paper seems like a good one to review.

How Natural is the Recent CentennialWarming? An Analysis of 2249 Surface Temperature Records

Horst-Joachim Lu¨decke, Rainer Link, and Friedrich-Karl Ewert

EIKE, European Institute for Climate and Energy, PO.Box 11011, 07722 Jena, GERMANY

Abstract. We evaluate to what extent the temperature rise in the past 100 years was a trend or a natural fluctuation and analyze 2249 world- wide monthly temperature records from GISS (NASA) with the 100-year period covering 1906-2005 and the two 50-year periods from 1906 to 1955 and 1956 to 2005. No global records are applied. The data document a strong…

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Huge, complete and very interesting article by WUWT on the temperature rising and data anomalies on climate and weather expressions.

Watts Up With That?

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts”

Recently there have been increased efforts to link “Climate Change” and “Extreme Weather” e.g., NOAA links extreme weather to climate change CBS – July 10, 2012, “NASA scientist links climate change, extreme weather” CNN – August 6, 2012 and Get used to ‘extreme’ weather, it’s the new normal The Guardian – September 19, 2012.  Per the Guardian article, “Scientists have been warning us for years that a warmer planet would lead to more extreme weather, and now it’s arrived”. These “Extreme Weather” efforts have shifted into high gear with Sandy. Yesterday United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that “one of the lessons from Superstorm Sandy is the need for global action to deal with future climate shocks.” “He told the U.N. General Assembly on Friday that it is difficult to attribute any single storm to climate change, but the world already knows that “extreme…

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