Category: Water

A very interesting article on a anomalous levels of molecular chlorine in the atmosphere in Alaska.
Take a look !!!

Watts Up With That?

From the Georgia Institute of Technology

Scientists studying the atmosphere above Barrow, Alaska, have discovered unprecedented levels of molecular chlorine in the air, a new study reports.

Molecular chlorine, from sea salt released by melting sea ice, reacts with sunlight to produce chlorine atoms. These chlorine atoms are highly reactive and can oxidize many constituents of the atmosphere including methane and elemental mercury, as well activate bromine chemistry, which is an even stronger oxidant of elemental mercury. Oxidized mercury is more reactive and can be deposited to the Arctic ecosystem.

The study is the first time that molecular chlorine has been measured in the Arctic, and the first time that scientists have documented such high levels of molecular chlorine in the atmosphere.

“No one expected there to be this level of chlorine in Barrow or in polar regions,” said Greg Huey, a professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric…

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Kerry Emanuel, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT, gives the

talk entitled, “Hurricanes and Storms in a Warmer World” at the Fourth Annual YCEI

An interesting interview taken from the convention of the Società Italiana per le scienze del clima  named

“Global change and its implication on the system services and society”

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tnx to WUWT

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Prof. Don J. Easterbrook

The September issue of National Geographic shows sea level midway up the Statue of Liberty, 214 feet above present sea level (Fig. 1) and contains dire images of impending catastrophic sea level rise. Anthony’s excellent responses ( and

( have demonstrated the utter absurdity of the National Geographic portrayal.

As Anthony points out, at the rate of sea level rise shown by tide gauge records since 1856 at The Battery 1.7 miles away, for sea level to reach that high up the Statue of Liberty would take 23,538 years!

But what about the other assertions in the National Geographic article, such as (1) many graphic images of [what] the future holds, (2) smaller, but still unreasonable sea level rise, (3) doomed cities (Miami and London gone), (4) flooded coastal areas (most of southern Florida submerged), (5) more frequent storm…

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Caring for Climate – led by the UN Global Compact, the UN Environment Programme and

the secretariat of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – will organize the

inaugural Caring for Climate Business Forum: Innovation, Ambition, Collaboration at

COP19/CMP9 on 19-20 November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland.


Join corporate climate champions at 1st Caring for Climate Business Forum to


Scale-up business innovation on climate change

Encourage business and Governments to raise ambition on climate policies
Spark collaboration among business, investors, civil society, UN and Governments


The Business Forum will showcase the contributions that business and investors can make towards climate action while providing a high-level leadership platform with policymakers.

tnx to

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Negli strati superiori dell’atmosfera il vapor acqueo, un potente gas ad effetto serra, stà diminuendo ; uno studio basato su osservazioni della NASA ci spiega il perchè e le conseguenze!

Watts Up With That?

Guest post submitted by Ken Gregory, Friends of

An analysis of NASA satellite data shows that water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, has declined in the upper atmosphere causing a cooling effect that is 16 times greater than the warming effect from man-made greenhouse gas emissions during the period 1990 to 2001.

The world has spent over $ 1 trillion on climate change mitigation based on climate models that don’t work. They are notoriously poor at simulating the 20th century warming because they do not include natural causes of climate change – mainly due to the changing sun –  and they grossly exaggerate the feedback effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

Most scientists agree that doubling the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, which takes about 150 years, would theoretically warm the earth by one degree Celsius if there were no change in evaporation, the…

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Who says Earth’s not flat? Even though more than half of the planet’s ice-free terrain has a slope of 0.6° or less, where water flow is generally languid, a significant part of the world’s erosion takes place there, a new study reveals. By analyzing river sediments collected at thousands of locations worldwide and estimating their concentration of the isotope beryllium-10 (which is produced when cosmic rays strike rocks at or near Earth’s surface), researchers could assess rates of erosion in those watersheds. For watersheds with areas ranging between 1 and 10,000 square kilometers, rates of erosion were strongly correlated with the average steepness of the watershed when that slope exceeded 11.3° (a rise of 200 meters for every horizontal kilometer). Rates of erosion were less predictable in more gently sloping landscapes, but data suggest that the breakdown of rocks in ice-free terrain creates about 5.5 billion tons of sediment worldwide each year, the researchers report in a forthcoming issue of Geology. Although erosion can remove as much as 6 meters of material in mountainous areas (such as in the Grand Tetons in the above background) each millennium, in gently sloping areas (foreground) wind and water may strip away as little as 0.5 millimeters per year. Overall, at least half Earth’s surface loses about 12 millimeters or more to erosion every 1000 years, the team estimates. Altogether, about 80% of the world’s sediment is produced by erosion of terrain with a slope of 6° or less.

credits: Science by Sid Perkins on 1 February 2013

photo credit : Jon Sullivan

The UN climate talks failed to deliver increased cuts to carbon pollution, nor did they provide any credible pathway to $100 billion per year in finance by 2020 to help the poorest countries deal with climate change, according to the 700 NGOs who are members of Climate Action Network-International (CAN-I).

Two weeks ago, just prior to the start of these negotiations,…

The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 700 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in over 90 countries working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.

CAN members work to achieve this goal through information exchange and the coordinated development of NGO strategy on international, regional, and national climate issues.

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